Mayor R.T. Rybak of Minneapolis included the following in his budget address:
Beyond connecting people to jobs and preparing future workers, we need to continue creating more jobs by also supporting our entrepreneurs and small business owners, who are responsible for half of all new jobs created. We’ll support these small businesses with more than $4.7 million dollars of business financing tools that provide:In case you missed the key line: alternative financing loans with no interest to business owners whose religious beliefs restrict them from receiving traditional interest-based financing.
* market-rate loans for job creation,
* low-interest loans to purchase equipment or make building improvements,
* loans to purchase and rehabilitate small commercial and industrial properties, and
* alternative financing loans with no interest to business owners whose religious beliefs restrict them from receiving traditional interest-based financing.
As the quoted text illustrates, the mayor of a major American city intends on utilizing public dollars to enable Islam. Even worse, Rybak's proposal offers Muslims special protection under the law in a way that discriminates against members of other faiths, agnostics, and atheists.
I wish I could say I was surprised to discover that Minneapolis was caving to Sharia but I'm not. Minneapolis has been trending this way for some time. If the good Scandinavian folks up there don't start stepping up soon they might find themselves in a Dearbornistan type of community before too long.

HT - Gates of Vienna
In related news, Dhimmi Watch is reporting that Normandale Community College in Bloomington, Minnesota is enabling radical Islam in another way.
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