Friday, November 30, 2007

Walid Shoebat Silenced by UW Milwaukee

Once again the left shows its disdain for freedom of speech and true academic freedom.

Shoebat is controversial. That is true but he is also an internationally recognized speaker and author on the most important topic of our lifetimes. To deny him the right to speak because of threats from radical left-wing student groups is to side with the very groups that caused the problem in the first place.
If the University were really concerned about the cost of security they could jsut arrest unlawful protesters and fine them.

For information about Shoebat you can visit his website here.

Update: The Beloit Daily News sides with freedom: Checkbook censorship is no less ugly than any other kind.

Update 2: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that UW-M has reversed its decision. More information can be found at WTMJ.

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